Total Value Locked
Quick Actions

Create your first Vault and enjoy the benefits of interest-free leverage.

Create your Vault

Need some liquidity? Swap your assets with EURO3.

Yield Opportunities

Earn up to % on your EURO3 by participating in the Stability Pool.

Or Stake your A3A to earn up EURO3 cashbacks.
Already have been distributed.

Go to staking
Provide Liquidity

Earn up to 2000% on your by providing EURO3/USDC liquidity on Lynex.

*Stake your EURO3 LP tokens on Lynex to boost your yield.

Provide liquidity
Users participating in farming should be aware that our service relies on external providers. Any issues related to the performance, security, or availability of the third-party solution are subject to the terms and conditions of the service provider. 3A shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect financial losses incurred by users in connection with their use of third-party solutions for yield generation.